I have found that shared resources and peer review opportunities are crucial knowledge when working towards tenure and promotion.

Here are some conferences and organizations I’ve participated in and some that educators have passed on in alphabetical order. Also, some pdfs and book recommendations that might help.

Conferences & Organizations

AIGA DEC (American Institute of Graphic Artists – Design Educator Community)
Annual DEC conference | publishing opportunities
Calls typically go out in dec/jan for following years conference

College Art Association
Annual conference | competitions | awards | publishing opportunities
Various CFP check site for dates

College Media Association
Annual conference | competitions | awards | publishing opportunities
Various CFP check site for dates

Design Incubation
Colloquia | publishing opportunities | fellowships | competitions | awards
Calls vary throughout the year

Design Principles & Practices Research Network
Annual conference | competitions | awards | publishing opportunities
Calls typically are due in Dec. for following year conference

Design Studies Forum 
Publishing opportunity
Check site for submission deadlines – journal

Graphic Communications Education Association  
Presenting | publishing opportunity
Check site for details

National Student Show & Conference
Annual Conference |  publishing opportunity
Calls in Feb.

PCA (Popular Culture Association)
Annual  conference | publishing opportunities
Calls typically due July/August for following years conference

SECAC (formerly Southeastern College Art Conference)
Annual conference | publishing opportunities | awards
Calls typically due Dec/Jan for following years conference
*membership required to present

SIGGRAPH (Computer graphics and interactive techniques)
Annual conference | competitions | awards | publishing opportunities
Various CFP check site for dates

SEGD (Society for Experimental Graphic Design)
Annual conference | awards | publishing opportunities
Various CFP check site for dates

SOTA (State of the Art Conference)
Annual conference
Check site for CFP date

UCDA (University and College Designers Association)
Annual design educator summit | design competitions | awards | publishing opportunities
Calls typically are due in Jan for conference


What I learned from the first season of Producing Tell It To Neil
2019 UCDA Session Presentation

14 pieces of advice from from the first two seasons of TITN
Short PDF Article

Design Incubation: How to write an academic abstract
Abstract wizard

Design Incubation: What is in an abstract?
Anatomy of an academic abstract


Scholarship Revisited: Priorities of the Professoriate
Ernest L. Boyer

He establishes 4 areas of scholarship that any discipline would understand. A good book if you are the only one in your department or want to talk more fluently about your research.

The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life
Bernard Roth

Lots of tips and tools for student engagement in the classroom and a kick in the butt if you have been feeling stagnant.

Nimble: Thinking Creatively in the Digital Age
Robin Landa

A perfect book for junior and senior-level courses to create a habit of creative and critical thinking and observing while generating original content and ideas for users.


How to Work A Room: The Ultimate Guide to Savvy Socializing In-Person and Online
Susan RoAne

A great book for seniors to learn how to navigate speaking or socializing in public to network and get that first job. Also super handy for navigating colleagues, clients, and personal barriers to socializing and speaking in public.


Stand Out: Design a Personal Brand, Build a Killer Portfolio, and Find a Great Design Job. 
Denise Anderson

The best portfolio prep book on the market with a very robust website of resources to use. Use this for a portfolio prep course.